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  1. Download: Official-Additional-Equipment-Page-main.rar
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  3. you need to add your own packet.h - lib no, tut is full
  4. Standard problems with this scammer's packages
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  6. You can add .gif image in client Metin2 🙂 Code / Extern: * EterLib/GrpImage.cpp Find: CGraphicImage::~CGraphicImage() { } Above, add: CGraphicImage::CGraphicImage(const char* c_szFileName, const void* c_pvBuf, int32_t iSize, uint32_t dwFilter) : CResource(c_szFileName), m_dwFilter(dwFilter) { m_rect.bottom = m_rect.right = m_rect.top = m_rect.left = 0; Load(iSize, c_pvBuf); } * EterLib/GrpImage.h Find: CGraphicImage(const char* c_szFileName, uint32_t dwFilter = D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR); Below, add: CGraphicImage(const char* c_szFileName, const void* c_pvBuf, int32_t iSize, uint32_t dwFilter = D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR); * EterLib/Resource.cpp Find: void CResource::Reload() Above, add: void CResource::Load(int32_t iSize, const void* c_pvBuf) { if (me_state != STATE_EMPTY) return; if (OnLoad(iSize, c_pvBuf)) me_state = STATE_EXIST; else me_state = STATE_ERROR; //Tracef("CResource::Load %s\n", GetFileName()); } * EterLib/Resource.h Find: void Load(); Below, add: void Load(int32_t iSize, const void* c_pvBuf); * EterPythonLib/PythonWindow.cpp Add: #include <gif_lib.h> #include <wingdi.h> -- Find: void CAniImageBox::OnEndFrame() { PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_poHandler, "OnEndFrame", BuildEmptyTuple()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Below, add: uint32_t CGifImageBox::Type() { static uint32_t s_dwType = GetCRC32("CGifImageBox", strlen("CGifImageBox")); return (s_dwType); } BOOL CGifImageBox::OnIsType(uint32_t dwType) { if (CGifImageBox::Type() == dwType) return TRUE; return FALSE; } CGifImageBox::CGifImageBox(PyObject* ppyObject) : CAniImageBox(ppyObject) { } CGifImageBox::~CGifImageBox() { } bool RawFrameToBmpImage(SavedImage* currentFrame, GifFileType* gifFile, std::vector <uint8_t>& outData) { if (!currentFrame || !gifFile) { TraceError("RawFrameToBmpImage: Invalid parameters."); return false; } auto& imageDesc = currentFrame->ImageDesc; auto* colorMap = (imageDesc.ColorMap) ? imageDesc.ColorMap : gifFile->SColorMap; if (!colorMap) { TraceError("RawFrameToBmpImage: ColorMap is null."); return false; } const int width = imageDesc.Width; const int height = imageDesc.Height; const int rowPadding = (4 - (width * 3 % 4)) % 4; const std::size_t rowDataSize = static_cast<std::size_t>(width * 3 + rowPadding) * height; BITMAPFILEHEADER fileHeader = { 0x4D42, // "BM" static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + rowDataSize), 0, // Reserved1 0, // Reserved2 sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) }; BITMAPINFOHEADER infoHeader = { sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), width, height, 1, // Planes 24, // BitCount 0, // Compression static_cast<uint32_t>(rowDataSize), 0, // XPelsPerMeter 0, // YPelsPerMeter 0, // ClrUsed 0 // ClrImportant }; outData.resize(fileHeader.bfSize); std::memcpy(outData.data(), &fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); std::memcpy(outData.data() + sizeof(fileHeader), &infoHeader, sizeof(infoHeader)); auto pixelData = outData.begin() + fileHeader.bfOffBits; for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; --y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { const int index = y * width + x; const GifByteType colorIndex = currentFrame->RasterBits[index]; const GifColorType& gifColor = colorMap->Colors[colorIndex]; *pixelData++ = gifColor.Blue; *pixelData++ = gifColor.Green; *pixelData++ = gifColor.Red; } pixelData = std::fill_n(pixelData, rowPadding, 0x00); } } bool CGifImageBox::LoadGif(const char* c_szFileName) { if (!c_szFileName || !*c_szFileName) return false; // Open GIF file int error; GifFileType* gif = DGifOpenFileName(c_szFileName, &error); if (!gif) { const char* c_szError = GifErrorString(error); TraceError("Failed to open GIF file: %s with error: %s", c_szFileName, c_szError); return false; } // Read the GIF into memory if (DGifSlurp(gif) == GIF_ERROR) { TraceError("Failed to read GIF file: %s", c_szFileName); DGifCloseFile(gif, &error); return false; } // Iterate through the frames for (int i = 0; i < gif->ImageCount; ++i) { // Get the current frame SavedImage* currentImage = &gif->SavedImages[i]; // Convert the frame to BMP image std::vector <uint8_t> bmpBuffer; if (!RawFrameToBmpImage(currentImage, gif, bmpBuffer)) { TraceError("Failed to convert GIF(%s) frame #%d to BMP image.", c_szFileName, i); continue; } // Create name for the frame char frameFileName[256]{ '\0' }; snprintf(frameFileName, sizeof(frameFileName), "gif_frame%d_%s", i, c_szFileName); // Create the image instance CGraphicImage* pImage = new CGraphicImage(frameFileName, bmpBuffer.data(), bmpBuffer.size(), D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR); if (!pImage) { TraceError("Failed to create image instance for GIF(%s) frame #%d.", c_szFileName, i); continue; } // Create the expanded image instance CGraphicExpandedImageInstance* pImageInstance = CGraphicExpandedImageInstance::New(); pImageInstance->SetImagePointer(pImage); // Add the image instance to the vector if it's not empty if (pImageInstance->IsEmpty()) { CGraphicExpandedImageInstance::Delete(pImageInstance); } else { pImageInstance->SetPosition(m_rect.left, m_rect.top); m_ImageVector.push_back(pImageInstance); } } // Clean up DGifCloseFile(gif, &error); return true; } bool CGifImageBox::UnloadGif() { for (auto pImage : m_ImageVector) CGraphicExpandedImageInstance::Delete(pImage); m_ImageVector.clear(); return true; } * EterPythonLib/PythonWindow.h Find: // Button class CButton : public CWindow Above, add: class CGifImageBox : public CAniImageBox { public: static uint32_t Type(); public: CGifImageBox(PyObject* ppyObject); virtual ~CGifImageBox(); bool LoadGif(const char* c_szFileName); bool UnloadGif(); protected: BOOL OnIsType(uint32_t dwType); }; * EterPythonLib\PythonWindowManager.cpp Find: case WT_ANI_IMAGEBOX: return new CAniImageBox(po); break; Below, add: case WT_GIF_IMAGEBOX: return new CGifImageBox(po); break; --- Find: CWindow* CWindowManager::RegisterAniImageBox(PyObject* po, const char* c_szLayer) { assert(m_LayerWindowMap.end() != m_LayerWindowMap.find(c_szLayer)); CWindow* pWin = new CAniImageBox(po); m_LayerWindowMap[c_szLayer]->AddChild(pWin); #ifdef __WINDOW_LEAK_CHECK__ gs_kSet_pkWnd.insert(pWin); #endif return pWin; } Below, add: CWindow* CWindowManager::RegisterGifImageBox(PyObject* po, const char* c_szLayer) { assert(m_LayerWindowMap.end() != m_LayerWindowMap.find(c_szLayer)); CWindow* pWin = new CGifImageBox(po); m_LayerWindowMap[c_szLayer]->AddChild(pWin); #ifdef __WINDOW_LEAK_CHECK__ gs_kSet_pkWnd.insert(pWin); #endif return pWin; } * EterPythonLib\PythonWindowManager.h Find: WT_ANI_IMAGEBOX, Below, add: WT_GIF_IMAGEBOX, -- Find: CWindow* RegisterImageBox(PyObject* po, const char* c_szLayer); Below, add: CWindow* RegisterGifImageBox(PyObject* po, const char* c_szLayer); * EterPythonLib\PythonWindowManagerModule.cpp Add: PyObject* wndMgrRegisterGifImageBox(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { PyObject* po; if (!PyTuple_GetObject(poArgs, 0, &po)) return Py_BuildException(); char* szLayer; if (!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs, 1, &szLayer)) return Py_BuildException(); UI::CWindow* pWindow = UI::CWindowManager::Instance().RegisterGifImageBox(po, szLayer); return Py_BuildValue("i", pWindow); } PyObject* wndGifImageLoadGif(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { UI::CWindow* pWindow; if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWindow)) return Py_BuildException(); char* szFileName; if (!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs, 1, &szFileName)) return Py_BuildException(); ((UI::CGifImageBox*)pWindow)->LoadGif(szFileName); return Py_BuildNone(); } PyObject* wndGifImageUnloadGif(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { UI::CWindow* pWindow; if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWindow)) return Py_BuildException(); ((UI::CGifImageBox*)pWindow)->UnloadGif(); return Py_BuildNone(); } Find: { "RegisterAniImageBox", wndMgrRegisterAniImageBox, METH_VARARGS }, Below, add: { "RegisterGifImageBox", wndMgrRegisterGifImageBox, METH_VARARGS }, { "LoadGif", wndGifImageLoadGif, METH_VARARGS }, { "UnloadGif", wndGifImageUnloadGif, METH_VARARGS }, *ScriptLib\Resource.cpp Find: m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("bmp", NewImage); Below, add: m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("gif", NewImage); * UserInterface\UserInterface.cpp Add: #pragma comment( lib, "gif.lib" ) --- * root/ui.py Add: class GifBox(Window): def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): Window.__init__(self, layer) self.eventDict={} self.arg = -1 self.argOut = -1 self.imageLoaded = False def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) def RegisterWindow(self, layer): self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterGifImageBox(self, layer) def LoadImage(self, imageName): self.name=imageName wndMgr.LoadGif(self.hWnd, imageName) self.imageLoaded = True if len(self.eventDict)!=0: print "LOAD IMAGE", self, self.eventDict def UnloadImage(self): if self.imageLoaded: wndMgr.UnloadGif(self.hWnd) self.imageLoaded = False def SetAlpha(self, alpha): wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) def SetDiffuseColor(self, r,g,b,a=1.0): wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, r,g,b,a) def SetAlphaColor(self, r,g,b,alpha=1.0): wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, r,g,b, alpha) def GetWidth(self): return wndMgr.GetWidth(self.hWnd) def GetHeight(self): return wndMgr.GetHeight(self.hWnd) def SetRenderingRect(self, left, top, right, bottom): wndMgr.SetRenderingRect(self.hWnd, left, top, right, bottom) def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): if maxValue: self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0) else: self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def SetScale(self, xScale, yScale): wndMgr.SetScale(self.hWnd, xScale, yScale) Example: self.testgif = ui.GifBox() self.testgif.SetParent(self) self.testgif.SetPosition(180,20) self.testgif.LoadImage("nice.gif") self.testgif.Show() Download libs: giflib.zip
  7. We have not verified this, you download at your own risk, we are not responsible for damage to your computer. (Nie zweryfikowaliśmy tego, pobierasz na własne ryzyko, nie odpowiadamy za szkody w komputerze)
Style Version: 0.1

The code was completely created from scratch and optimized.

The basic style on which it was created: Default

Created by: Grzyb.ovh

The style was to be simple to browse topics, devoid of graphics, uniform in color and definitely simple. ×

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